
The Society was incorporated in 1957 and opened the Museum in 1962.

The Albert County Historical Society (ACHS) was established in 1951 and Incorporated in 1957. It is a membership led registered not-for-profit charitable organization as recognized by Canada Revenue Agency. Funds donated to preserve the history of the Albert County region are eligible for a tax receipt, and we appreciate your generous support! The Society may also provide charitable tax receipts for donated artefacts which contribute towards telling the stories of the “People of the Tides”.

The Albert County Museum, owned and operated by the ACHS, opened in 1962, and now includes 9 buildings on a 7 acre property. It is supported by dozens of volunteers and a staff team who welcome the visiting public. Fees from admissions, events and rentals, and the Gift Shop & Book Store contribute towards operating the museum and preserving the rich history of Albert County. The RB Bennett Commemorate Centre was opened at the site in 2010. Support to operate the Museum and manage artefacts in the collection is provided by NB Tourism, Heritage and Culture.

Albert County Historical Society Statement of Purpose

The Albert County Historical Society was duly constituted by the New Brunswick Companies Act and Incorporated on the twenty-ninth day of April 1957 (No. 84) as a non-profit, Federally and Provincially Income Tax exempt, permanent, charitable establishment with a museum open to the public and operated in the public trust.

The Goals of the Society and the Albert County Museum are:

  • To collect, preserve, conserve, document, research, and interpret to recognized Museum standards, objects, photographs, and documents relative to the natural, human and industrial history of Albert County, New Brunswick, Canada.

  • To make these objects and documents available to the public and students for their education and enjoyment, through permanent and temporary exhibits, properly interpreted.

  • To plan and hold special functions to raise funds to support the programs of the museum, and to present programs of interest to the public and students.

  • The public is understood to mean all who are interested in attending the exhibits, including tourists and students, and most of all, the members of the community whom this museum represents, and who are from or reside in Albert County, New Brunswick.

The Themes of the Museum are, but not limited to:

Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Marsh Hay, Grist Mills, Maple Sugar, Forest Products and Lumbering, Fishing, Stone Cutting and Quarrying, Fur Trapping, Oil Fields, Albertite, Gypsum, Geological, Mills and Veneer Plants, Shipbuilding, Fox Ranching, Railways, Tourism, Architectural History, Arts & Culture, Military History and the Human History of the inhabitants of Albert County, New Brunswick.

The above themes will be studied from the earliest periods of History in which the Society is able to obtain material up to 1990.

Meet our Board of Directors!

Elected at the 2024 Annual General Meeting are the following Directors: Dawne McLean (President), Bruce Estabrooks (1st Vice-President), Angela Smith (2nd Vice-President) Janine Underhill (Secretary), Dennis Hoar (Treasurer), Stuart Liptay (Past-President), Vaughn Snider, Sharon McIntyre, Alex Steeves, Matthew Dick, Elspeth Hagan, Amanda Bishop and Jason Gallen. This group of inspired volunteers also Chair and work on several standing and ad-hoc Committees, supporting the work of the Society and the Albert County Museum. Major projects are identified in the Strategic Plan and current projects include the programming for the 2025 season, and upgrades to heritage buildings, primarily the 1904 Albert County Court House, through the Conservation Campaign which is currently underway.

Join us in our work!

We encourage you to volunteer and help us in preserving this Shiretown site from 1845, including original buildings in their original locations, help to maintain the beautiful grounds, and to support the work in looking after artefacts and archival documents in the collection. Consider joining a committee or the Board of Directors! Click here for the Volunteer form and let us know what you are interested in! Donations to ACHS can be made on-line and if you have items you would like to donate to our collection, call us to discuss your donation. If you want more information, contact Managing Director Janet Clouston at 506-734-2003 or email and she will put you in touch with the right team member. We are also hiring for the 2025 season!