Albert County 175 Art Show July 25 & 26 in the Court House

Albert County 175 Art Show July 25 & 26 in the Court House

On July 25th and 26th, the Court House is being turned into an Art Gallery, and over 20 artists will be showcased. From original paintings to sculptures, photography, wood turning, textile art and more, the featured artists include: Alan Bell, Lars Larsen, Elizabeth Tener, Karin Bach, Normand Bradford, Curtis Dionne, Bob Greenblatt, Tim Isaac, Wendy Johnston, Jim Kitts, Ruth Ann Mitchell, Kevin Snair, Brian Townsend, Trudy Wade, Sharon Wells and others – all are from, or living in, Beautiful Albert County.

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - July 21, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - July 21, 2020

Time for a colour photo and a visit to Alma. This is the Molly Kool Heritage Centre it was the home of Molly Kool when she was growing up in Alma. In 2010 the building, which dates from the 1850’s, was rebuilt in it’s present location. Molly Kool, whose father was a Dutch Canadian sea captain, earned her master mariner's certificate from the Merchant Marine Institute in Yarmouth, N.S., in 1939. That accomplishment made Kool the first licensed female sea captain in North America and only the second woman to do that job in the world. Kool spent five years as a sea captain before moving to Maine and getting married.