Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 16, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 16, 2020

It would be interesting to know the story behind this photo, as this had to be a rare occurrence. This whale was captured at Alma on April 28, 1901 and measured 73 feet in length, 45 feet in circumference , and the mouth was 18 feet long.

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 12, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 12, 2020

Well the Albert County Exhibition was supposed to be full swing today, alas though it was cancelled for safety reasons . Strangely the museum doesn’t have any early photos from the fair so I found one of this beautiful farm from West River.

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 7, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 7, 2020

Happy Labour Day! I was looking for a parade to show today and found this great photo from Vaughn Snider, who has been a major contributor to our photo-a-day. Thanks Vaughn! In this photo titled, “Getting ready for a Parade” in Hillsborough during the Second World War in front of the N.B.Dept. of Transportation Garage on Academy Street. This later became Snider’s Garage which burned in 1981. Left to Right Walter Slater, Reg Duffy, Junior Jonah in Carriage, John Jones Boy Scout