Beautiful Flower Garden Enjoyed!

Beautiful Flower Garden Enjoyed!

Along with many butterflies, hummingbirds and bumble bees, we are so grateful to Sharon MacFarlane and Andree Ostiguy for their wonderful landscaping and gardening work over the 2020 season. Many guests who visited to tour the Albert County Museum, or take part in an Albert County 175 event, commented on how wonderful the gardens near the Hopewell Cape Community Hall, and nearby Friends of Fundy Pollinating Garden, looked. Thank you also to the team from United Way Day of Caring for volunteering in June to work on our landscaping, and to our employee Nathan Tingley for his hard work on grounds keeping this season. Together we are looking after flower gardens, grounds and heritage trees, many over 100 years old. New for this year is the Crimson Maple Tree, planted in honour of BR Bennett 150th Birthday!

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 26, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 26, 2020

This is a photo of the ship Princess Pat which was built by W. Avery Newcombe in 1912. It was used by the Tingley Monument Company for delivering monuments to Dorchester, Joggins, Advocate etc.. In the days before the automobile the river was the highway and the cheapest form of transportation.

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 24, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 24, 2020

Here is unique photo of the Tingley Monument Company in Hopewell Cape. J. Tingley founded the company at Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick, continuing a family tradition in stone cutting which extended back into the Eighteenth Century. Now located in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Tingley Monuments is the oldest firm of its kind in Canada.

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 22, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 22, 2020

Now here is a photo of the who’s who in Albert County circa 1911. In the photo are Dr. John T. Lewis, Hillsborough, Dr. Carnwath, Riverside, Sanford Ryan, MLA Coverdale and Fred M. Thompson, Hillsborough, Notice the 204 NB license plate, now that’s an early one!

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 17, 2020

Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - September 17, 2020

On this day 175 years ago, September 17, 1845 the Act creating Albert County was officially published and declared in the Province. The jail in this undated postcard was only one story in 1845, the second storey was added sometime in the 20th century. A lot has changed since 1845 but one thing is for sure, we are really blessed to live here. Click on the link to see the official act to create the county in 1845.