Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 8, 2020
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 7, 2020
Back to school Monday, with a trip to the Harvey School. The old school in Harvey burned in 1941, and was replaced by the building which still stands to the west of the Baptist Church. Obviously, the number of children in that district dropped considerably between 1871, when the first school opened, and 1941, when the new smaller school opened. The "new" school eventually became a special-care home and then a private house.
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 6, 2020
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 5, 2020
Sadly, the Hillsborough Santa Claus Parade has been cancelled this year, although I hear Saint Nick is going to be making a drive though the village today. It also wasn’t looking good for a Santa Claus Parade Photo today, but thankfully Vaughn Snider came through with a whole collection from the 1996 Santa Claus Parade! (Not that we’re counting but that’s already 24 years ago!). So many people in the parade photos would have kids at the same age today, so be sure to click on the link to see the rest of the photos. There are 8 more!