Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 31, 2020
Well we made it! The last day of 2020 and our last day of Albert County 175 Photo-A-Day. You might recognize this photo from the cover of the AC175 Souvenir Booklet, which we mailed to every household in Albert County.
It shows a view of Gordon Falls, Albert County, as seen from the bottom of falls. A man is standing on the rocks at the top of the falls, who is possibly John M. Taylor. This photo is attributed to George Taylor and is circa 1862.
Thanks to everyone who participated in Photo-A-Day.
With Special Thanks to: Vaughn Snider, Dawne McLean, Al Renton, Bill Goggin, Bill White, John Whitmore, Kevin Snair, Doris Weir Stephen Oatway, the New Brunswick Museum and Archives New Brunswick.
It was a big undertaking, which I hope you enjoyed.
I wish you a Happy and Successful 2021.
Stuart Liptay, Chair AC175
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 30, 2020
The Passing of an Albert County Hero – William (Bill) West 1921-2020 - 99 Years Old
It is with sadness that we report the passing of a true Albert County Hero and WWII Veteran William (Bill) West. Bill was highly decorated for his service as a radar operator in WWII, and received the prestigious “British Empire Medal” from King George VI. (The British Empire Medal is awarded for meritorious military service worthy of recognition by the Crown).
Bill never served as an ACHS director, but he and his wife were members for many years and they attended Museum events. The photo shows him at the 2015 Anniversary of the Sailing of the 26th Battalion on June 13, 1915. Bill always attended the Riverside-Albert Remembrance ceremonies and the Riverside Consolidated School student program, as long as his health allowed.
His Obituary follows:
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 29, 2020
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 28, 2020
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 27, 2020
Albert County 175 - Photo A Day 2020 - December 26, 2020
It’s Boxing Day where leftovers from the big Christmas Feast were traditionally boxed and distributed to the poor. So, I thought it would be appropriate to thank all the farmers who made our Christmas feast. Thanks! This photo was sent to us by Karen Jackman, it shows Gordon Alward, and Moe Melburn making hay on Eddie Turner’s farm in Riverside, in the late 50’s or early 60’s.