Celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee on June 4th starting at 1pm
In celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II ascending to the throne, the Albert County Historical Society will host a Platinum Jubilee Ceremony at the Court House on Saturday, June 4, 2022. This event will provide an opportunity to pay tribute to “our Queen of Canada”, who, for many of us, is the only Monarch we have ever known.
It is “historically significant” that the 70th Jubilee Ceremony honouring Queen Elizabeth II take place on the portico of the Court House, because 85 years ago, the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II’s father, King George VI, was also celebrated with a ceremony held on the portico of the Albert County Court House! You might say that history is being repeated at the Court House!
By researching newspaper archives, the Coronation Day ceremony programme in May 1937 was organized by a committee that included the Secretary of the Albert County Municipal Council and the teachers of the four schools, Hopewell Hill, Lower Cape, Curryville and Hopewell Cape. The students sang patriotic songs and four Royal oak seedlings were planted on the Court House lawn by the four grade 8 students who had the highest average on the Easter exams. One of the Royal oak seedlings planted in 1937 still stands as a majestic tree!
The 70th Jubilee programme on June 4, 1:00pm at the Court House, will include visiting dignitaries, musical selections, and participation of students and community. A Royal oak tree will be planted to commemorate the Jubilee event. An honoured guest, who was a Grade 8 student at the 1937 ceremony when she planted a Royal oak seedling, will unveil the tree’s engraved 70th Jubilee marker.
In the Community Hall from 2:00pm – 4:00pm, enjoy viewing the impressive displays of memorabilia pertaining to Her Majesty’s reign, as well as an exhibit of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire.There will be a presentation about the only IODE Chapter in Albert County, The Mildred Bennett Chapter # 1819 constituted in 1947 at Gunningsville, Albert County, NB. Mildred Bennett, the beloved sister of the Rt. Hon. R.B. Bennett, often accompanied Canada’s 11th Prime Minister on his political and other travels.
An informal reception in the Hall will conclude the Jubilee activities. A Guest Book will be signed as a keepsake of this historical 70th Jubilee Celebration held during the Museum’s 60th anniversary year.
For the Court House ceremony at 1:00pm, chairs will be set up on the lawn, but it may be a good idea to bring your own chair to be assured a seat! If it is poor weather, the ceremony will be held inside the Court House.
We look forward to seeing you at the 70th Jubilee Celebration Day at the Museum! Learn more by calling 506-734-2003 or visit our website: www.albertcountymuseum.com .