Join us - Show opens on Tuesday and goes to Saturday!
The Albert County Historical Society Quilt Committee are hosting the 47th Annual Quilt Show & Sale July 11th to July 15th from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm at the Albert County Museum. ADMISSION FEE: $3 at the door. This year the Quilt Show Committee are excited to display over 200 quilted articles ranging from quilt tops, crib and lap quilts, finished quilted projects to full size quilts. Visit one of the largest Quilt Shows In Atlantic Canada! Hundreds of items on display and for sale!
Our raffle quilt was donated by Marjorie Henwood, the Shepody Quilter. The "Seasons" Quilt is a beautiful applique quilt featuring a block for each month of the year. Tickets are available at the museum and will be available at the show. The Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
This year there will be a MAKER’S MARKET on the Saturday, July 15th from 9:30am to 5:00.
This year we are pleased to host three WORKSHOPS. Learn a new skill, enhance your present skills or enjoy a day with friends. All Workshops are BEGINNER friendly but can also be personalized for your skills! Pre-please pre-register with the WORKSHOP PRESENTER and click here for information.